
Capita Europe auf einen Blick

Capita Customer Services (Germany) GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 4
12489 Berlin



Telephone: +49 30 80969 0
Fax: +49 30 80969 666


Represented by

Management: Ariane Raab


Register entry

Register of Companies: HRB 170645 B
Court of registry: AG Charlottenburg (Berlin)


VAT Reg. No.

VAT registration number pursuant to §27 a German VAT Act
VAT Registration No.: DE298246590


Editorial responsibility as defined by press law

Benjamin Riedel
Senior Marketing Manager

Capita Customer Services (Germany) GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 4
12489 Berlin




Liability for content

Our website content was created with the utmost care. However we cannot be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of content. Pursuant to § 7 Para.1 DDG (German Telemedia Act), as service provider, we are responsible for our content on this website in accordance with general laws. According to §§ 8 to 10 DDG,  as service provider, we however are not obligated to monitor third party information transmitted or stored, or to investigate circumstances which suggest illegal activity.

Obligations to remove, block or use information thereby remain unaffected in accordance with general laws. Liability in this respect is however possible from the very moment that a definite breach of law becomes known. If we become aware that a law is being breached in this way we shall remove this content immediately.


Liability for Links

Our offer contains links to external third party websites, the contents of which we have no control over. Therefore we cannot assume any liability for this third party content. The respective site provider or operator is always responsible for the contents of the linked sites. The linked sites have been checked for possible breaches of law at the time of linking. Unlawful content was not identified at the time of linking. Continuous checking of content of linked sites is however unreasonable without concrete evidence of a breach of law. If we become aware that a law is being breached we shall remove said link immediately.



The content and works created or used by the site provider on these sites are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, processing, distribution and any kind of utilisation outside the boundaries of copyright law require the consent of the respective author or producer. Downloads and copies of these pages are for private use only and commercial use is not permitted. Unless the content on these pages was created by the operator third party copyrights shall be observed. In particular third party content shall be labelled as such. Despite this should a breach of copyright be brought to your attention, we kindly request that we are notified accordingly. If we become aware of breaches of law we shall remove such content immediately.